Misha Nonoo, NY based designer, presents her A/F 12 collection. Just listen and see, So Amelie!
четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.
среда, 5 сентября 2012 г.
Yoga By Equinox. Briohny Smyth
"...And as anyone who's flipped into a handstand for the first time can tell you, when you get there, it's worth it. "If you do the work and show up, then you become this amazing creature with this amazing body and this amazing discipline," says Dale, "People are now starting to become more interested in the esoteric part of yoga and understanding that they can’t get to the higher level without the basics. It’s about commitment. When you commit, you can have that kind of magic on the mat." Q Editors
"Yoga played a huge part in my slow recovery. Although I was still touring and recording, I practiced Yoga everyday. Instead of partying and waking up late, I ate well, slept, and woke up early to practice Asana for an hour and meditate. Through my Yoga practice I started to develop a clearer connection between my body and mind...Yoga allowed me to feel liberated and strong both inside and out, it gave me a healthy routine."
"Inversions have also helped me to gain confidence in my daily life. I’m not so worried about having the approval of others because I know I can come to my mat and feel good. Inversions also have an immense amount of physical benefits. Improved circulation is one of the main benefits which also helps with the quality of our skin and regrowth of our hair. "
"I also find that we learn a lot about ourselves when we confront our fears. Even if it’s just the fear of bringing our hips over our shoulders and our feet over our hips."
"I recite a gratitude list in my head every morning:
1. My Daughter, Taylor.
2. My Family.
3. My partner & Fiance, Dice.
4. Yoga
I smile every time I make this list because it helps to remind me that LIFE IS GREAT!! Sometimes we get caught up in our heads and start to believe the drama we create, blinding us from what is right in front of us."
"My personal intentions as a teacher are to inspire and liberate people from society’s views and expectations of the human body, as well as to help Yogis to connect with their bodies- which was the same exact intention I had when filming the Equinox video. I meet so many people on a daily basis and many are not happy with their bodies. "
"Yoga has been a great friend to me over the years. It has been with me through all of the ups and the downs and I plan to continue to grow and change with Yoga by my side. It is so important to find something that you love, something that improves the quality of your life and stick with it." Briohny Smyth
From Elephantjournal Via Jeannie Page on Jan 21, 2012
среда, 25 июля 2012 г.
The Absent-Minded Buccaneer: Rudyard Kipling's KIM
The Absent-Minded Buccaneer: Rudyard Kipling's KIM: 1885 Lahore, India : Colonel Creighton, head of the British-India Secret Service receives a report that the Russians are planning an attack ...
вторник, 17 июля 2012 г.
Mood of Paris
MyLittleParis is the great place for creating a French mood. I like the most is nice music and inspiring illustrations. I enjoy..And you enjoy too!
Bisous :-)
понедельник, 18 июня 2012 г.
среда, 13 июня 2012 г.
'Balade a Paris' - ELIE SAAB PreFall 2012 collection
ELIE SAAB takes you on a 'Balade a Paris' to discover the PreFall 2012 collection.
Прогулка по Парижу с женщиной Elie Saab / Журнал Day-by-day
вторник, 27 марта 2012 г.
воскресенье, 25 марта 2012 г.
среда, 7 марта 2012 г.
London PhotoTea
Хочу представить London PhotoTea: прекрасные девушки, проживающие в Королевстве Великобритании, там же делают не менее прекрасные фотографии. Еще и вкусные конкурсы успевают проводить.
Чтобы вы смогли насладиться настоящим британским afternoon tea, где бы вы сами ни жили, мы хотим разыграть вот такой приятный набор. В него входят традиционный английский чай для послеобеденных посиделок, коллекция английских джемов (клубника с шампанским, апельсин с виски, абрикос с арманьяком и земляника с черной смородиной), а также эксклюзивная антикварная ложечка (которой больше ста лет!) для сахара. Все эти замечательные штуки мы отправим победителю в любую точку мира за наш счет.
Для этого нужно всего-навсего сделать перепост этой записи в любом из ваших аккаунтов: вконтакте, ЖЖ, блогспоте, фейсбуке или твиттере и скопировать ссылку на вашу запись в комментарии к этому посту. Запись должна быть в открытом доступе - чтобы мы увидели ссылку. Можно делать несколько перепостов - это увеличит ваш шанс на выигрыш.
Заявки на участие в розыгрыше принимаются двенадцать дней. 19 марта мы присвоим каждому участнику номер и разыграем приз (снимем этот процесс на видео), а 20 марта объявим победителя.
Всем удачи! :)
пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.
Yes, Yale!
Have you ever heard about Yale University? "Sure, yes, of course", you say! Skilled professors, experience of centuries since 1640, finally, knowings etc. So now have you ever dreamed to study there or, at least,join the process by listening to the lectures? Today you have such opportunity, seize it! Open Yale Courses HERE to fit every taste, f.e., I like the course "Listening to Music" led by Craig Wright, it's really fascinated, so exciting as lectures even could be in this world!
воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.
Lunch for 25
In fact I like the style of true Italian gentlemen, classy and chic. But here, especially here! It makes me cry in delight cause fascinated Scott Schuman from The Sartorialist gather these fabulous men together at a time. So in a little italian restaurant They look like back in time. Yeah! Looking at - is great pleasure. Thank you, Scott!
четверг, 23 февраля 2012 г.
Louis Vuitton - Marc Jacobs at Les Arts Décoratifs
Louis Vuitton снова на высоте. Ролик снятый к выставке, которая стартует в Париже 9 марта 2012, где расскажут о вкладе в мировую моду таких мэтров, как Louis Vuitton и Marc Jacobs.
Lights, camera, action. Enjoy!
понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.
The amazing everyday
The Nokia campaign for new Nokia Lumia 800 is on the city streets now. Choose one you like. J'adore épisode 5: Paris.
пятница, 20 января 2012 г.
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